Thursday, November 20, 2014

Expanding Without Building

Our children's classrooms are packed! A great problem to have, but none the less, a problem that needs a solution. The solution we've come to is to  create another classroom for Sunday mornings and during mid-week ministries. To do this, we have two options: to build a new structure or to place an already existing structure on our land. Due to permits, building restrictions, and cost, the most cost and time efficient solution for us is to purchase an already existing structure and put it on the church property. We've been looking for available Single-wide offices for a few months now and have recently seen one on Craigslist that looks exactly like what we're looking for. We don't have the budget readily available to purchase it however so we are asking for 2 things from you.

1. Pray with us. This building is being sold by a large company that is looking to clear it off of their land. We're going to ask for it to be donated as a tax deduction by the company or for it to be sold for a fraction of the asking price. You can pray with us that this request goes well or that if it doesn't, another Single-Wide Building becomes available.
2. Financially Support this Purchase. Our church is growing but our income is not, meaning that our operating fund does not have the excess needed to go out and buy a single-wide at this time. But it is a very large need for our church. If you're interested in financially being a part of this purchase, you can mark your donation and put it in the offering on Sunday mornings.

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