Our church does not have any formal greeters, but expect to be greeted by everyone you walk past as you make your way to a seat before service. We have some of the most kind, giving, loving people in all of Cowlitz County gathered together at our two services.
Our two services begin at 9:15am and 11:15am. A breakfast of pastries and fresh fruit divides the two services, beginning at 10:45am.
Children are dismissed 1/2 way through the worship set to their respective classrooms. Children ages 0-2 are welcome to go to the nursery. There are always workers in the nursery to watch children if parents prefer to drop them off. If, however, a child is younger and a mother needs to nurse or a parent would prefer to stay with them, they are welcome to do so. There is a large window in the nursery looking into the sanctuary so the stage can be seen. Speakers allowing the sermon to be heard from the nursery are being installed soon as well.
Our preschool classroom is open for ages 3-5. Children are led through a curriculum plan for the day and then given free time to play, watch Veggie Tales, draw on the chalk board wall, etc.
Our last children's classroom is for ages 6-12. This class is organized to teach children about the love and the word of God in a fun atmosphere. The room is themed "Circus" and children can expect a snack from the popcorn machine during service. Children also take a seat for their children's church service in a pillow pile of their making.
RiverView believes strongly in the power of getting on our knees before God. That's why every service will end in a worship song combined with an alter call. Everyone that comes forward to the alter has a pastor available to pray with them or can just use the alter time as an opportunity to meet with the Lord.
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