Thursday, May 28, 2015
Prime Time - Seattle Trip
Missions Garage Sale - Dontaions Wanted!
Our Youth Missions team is having a garage sale the weekend of June 12th-13th to raise funds for their trip to Haiti in November. They are asking for any clean, unbroken donations to be brought to the church between June 1st and June 10th for pricing and organizing. If you're a garage sale-r yourself, you could also come on June 12th or 13th between 8:00am and 3:00pm and see if you don't find some hidden treasures!
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Recovery Ministry New Night
Our Recovery Meeting night has been switched from Monday to Friday, at least through the duration of the Summer season. Meetings will still be at RiverView church at 6:00pm. Everyone welcome!
Rock The Hawk
This Wednesday is our last Youth Ignite Club until Fall. It's also the last night for teenagers currently in grades 6th-11th to turn in their registrations and $125 for summer camp. Out of this deadline sparked a fun challenge and exciting way to end the year....Rock the Hawk! We've hosted Summer Camp at Salmon Falls Retreat Center for two years in the past and both years have come within 5 teenagers of hitting the 40 campers mark. So our goal this year is to have 40 teenagers sign up for summer camp. If 40 teenagers have their signed registration and $125 turned in on Wednesday night at club, Youth Pastor Robbie Neal and Youth Leader Klancy Shriver will get on stage in front of everyone and have their hair shaved into Mohawks at club. Videos of the event will, of course, be made available to all. So spread the word about camp, get a registration to your friends, friend's kids, coworkers, family members, neighbors,...EVERYONE! Let's have a successful Rock the Hawk event (and Summer Camp!).
Saturday, May 16, 2015
Welcome Baby Scarlett
Our Children's Pastor, Reyna has had her little baby girl, Scarlett. Scarlett was born on May 14th. New mom, dad, and baby are doing great and the whole Neuschwander clan is ecstatic.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Prime Time Fun
Prime Time is quickly growing to be one of our largest mid-week ministries and there's no wonder as to why. Thursday mornings feature food, games, music, discussion over The Word of God, and really awesome, fun seniors! Everyone ages 55 and up is welcome at 11:00am every Thursday morning to join us at the church (6325 Old Pacific Hwy S, Kalama). Prime Time is lead by RiverView's Senior Pastors, Rob & Becky Neuschwander and there's a potluck every week!
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Compassion Sunday
Consider sponsoring a child through Compassion International this Sunday, May 17th. We will have a short presentation during both services and a booth available for you to select a child to sponsor. Your support of $38 a month could provide one child with medical, nutritious food, health and hygiene training, education, access to special services like surgeries and disaster relief, mentoring, and, most importantly sponsored children get to hear the life changing news of the Gospel and get the opportunity to give their lives to Christ. That's approximately $1 a day to change a child's entire life. Sponsors get to communicate via letter writing with their sponsored children and can even choose to take a Compassion Sponsored trip to meet their sponsored child.
If you cannot make it to church on Compassion Sunday, you can learn more or sponsor a child today by clicking the following link and visiting Compassion International's Website.
Men's Bible Study...New Night!
Men's Bible Studies have been moved from Wednesday evenings to Thursday evenings. They will happen at the same time, same place: 6:30pm at Nathan Burck's home, 537 N 3rd Place in Kalama.
Women's Bible Studies are also on Thursday evenings, at 6:30pm, at the church with childcare provided. This makes for a great evening for your family to get out of the house and study the word!
Women's Bible Studies are also on Thursday evenings, at 6:30pm, at the church with childcare provided. This makes for a great evening for your family to get out of the house and study the word!
Saturday, May 2, 2015
Treat Your Mom (on us)
Kick off the day of celebrating your mom this Sunday by taking her to an awesome church service all about her and treating her to Pancakes with Strawberries and whip cream (on us!). Becky Neuschwander will be speaking on the topic, "Thank You Mom." Services are at normal time, 9:15 and 11:15am with breakfast served at 10:45.
Final Girl's/Guy's Nights
This week contains the final Girl's and Guy's Nights until Fall. If you know a teenage girl currently in the 7th-12th grade who needs something fun to do this Friday night or a teenage guy, same age, who needs something fun to do this Saturday night...send them our way! Details from Karissa & Robbie Neal on the evenings are below:
Being crafty and enjoying trying new recipes mixes for this being the girl's night I'm most excited about yet! (Other than maybe that time all us chicas ate a TON of ice cream...and I mean that was shameful, haha!).
So how this will work is if you're coming, please post on our Facebook Event what craft or recipe you're bringing and if there's any supplies that all us other girl's need to bring in order to participate. (You can see my (Karissa's) post for an example). If you're providing all the necessary supplies-please bring enough for 8 girls (and still post on the Facebook Event what you're bringing so we don't end up with duplicate ideas).
Guy's will be meeting on Saturday and playing sports games and eating junk food. Guy's-please bring a junk food item to share. You can also RSVP on the Guy's Night Facebook Event.
Being crafty and enjoying trying new recipes mixes for this being the girl's night I'm most excited about yet! (Other than maybe that time all us chicas ate a TON of ice cream...and I mean that was shameful, haha!).
So how this will work is if you're coming, please post on our Facebook Event what craft or recipe you're bringing and if there's any supplies that all us other girl's need to bring in order to participate. (You can see my (Karissa's) post for an example). If you're providing all the necessary supplies-please bring enough for 8 girls (and still post on the Facebook Event what you're bringing so we don't end up with duplicate ideas).
Guy's will be meeting on Saturday and playing sports games and eating junk food. Guy's-please bring a junk food item to share. You can also RSVP on the Guy's Night Facebook Event.
Saturday, April 25, 2015
Ladies Studies Starting Up Again
We're kicking off our ladies studies at the church this Friday (5/1) with a Craft Night! All ladies asked to bring Elmer's Glue and Scissors with them as we make kitchen magnets together. Ladies studies will then resume the following week (5/7). All women, college age and older, are welcome to join in as Becky Neuschwander and Denise Burck lead on Thursday Evenings at 6:30pm.
Church Choir
Choir is starting back up again in a couple weeks and everyone-stage presence or not, trained vocal abilities or not, is welcome to join in! Past choir members have shared that it's not necessarily the singing that keeps them coming back. It's the word that Anja shares with them, it's the loving group of people around them, it's the goofiness and laid-back
atmosphere of rehearsals on Sunday night.
The church choir performed on Christmas Eve and Easter this year and is gearing up to start practicing for their next church performance. Practices are every Sunday evening from 6:30-7:30 at RiverView Community Church (6325 Old Pacific Hwy S, Kalama) starting May 17th. Everyone ages 13 and up is welcome. Come and check it out!
atmosphere of rehearsals on Sunday night.
The church choir performed on Christmas Eve and Easter this year and is gearing up to start practicing for their next church performance. Practices are every Sunday evening from 6:30-7:30 at RiverView Community Church (6325 Old Pacific Hwy S, Kalama) starting May 17th. Everyone ages 13 and up is welcome. Come and check it out!
Thursday, April 16, 2015
Need a Babysitter or Your Lawn Mowed?
As we're getting ready for summer, the youth group is packed with capable, hardworking teenagers trying to raise money for Ignite Summer Camp and the Haiti Missions Trip...some teens are trying to raise funds for both. If you have an unruly yard, a weed infested flower bed, a garage that looks like it was hit by a hurricane, a coat of white paint on your house that's looking a little yellow, a need for a date night out without the kids, or some other project that needs done that you just haven't had the time to get to - consider hiring the job out to a team of teens. Contact Youth Pastor's, Robbie & Karissa Neal, at, to arrange work.
Summer Fun!
The weather is turning, flowers are blooming,'s almost summer! Summer means celebrations, retreats, camps, potlucks, bonfires, and all those awesome get togethers that happen when it stays light longer and you can count on sun. Our church calendar has some fun activities on our summer calendar that should make their way onto your calendar..
May 1st at 7:00pm at RiverView Church, women college age and older invited to our Ladies Craft Night.We'll be making refrigerator magnets and we're asking each crafter to bring with them a bottle of Elmer's glue and a pair of scissors.
June 12th and 13th from 8:00am-3:00pm, at RiverView Church, the Youth missions team will be hosting a garage sale to raise funds for their trip to Haiti. They're asking for any donations you have to contribute to be dropped off at the church the week of June 4th-June 11th (we cannot take anything before or after these dates as we have no place to store it).
July 20th-23rd is our Youth Group, Ignite's, Summer Camp. Open to teenagers who are currently in the 6th-11th grade, it will be 4-days filled with all you can eat meals, hilarious skit crews, water kick ball, swimming at Dugan Falls, Clubs, Cabin Times, Surprise activities, and more! Cost has been cut in half this year - down to $125, due by Wednesday, May 27th.
Sunday, July 26th at 4:00pm, we'll have our annual Church Family Potluck Picnic at Pastor's Rob & Becky Neuschwander's farm. Please bring a dish to share!

August 14th-16th is our annual Women's Retreat at the Christian Renewal Center. Cost is $120. Talk to Denise Burck or Becky Neuschwander for details or to sign up!
September 18th-20th is our annual Men's Retreat at the Christian Renewal Center. Cost is $120. Talk to Nathan Burck for details or to sign up!

June 12th and 13th from 8:00am-3:00pm, at RiverView Church, the Youth missions team will be hosting a garage sale to raise funds for their trip to Haiti. They're asking for any donations you have to contribute to be dropped off at the church the week of June 4th-June 11th (we cannot take anything before or after these dates as we have no place to store it).
July 20th-23rd is our Youth Group, Ignite's, Summer Camp. Open to teenagers who are currently in the 6th-11th grade, it will be 4-days filled with all you can eat meals, hilarious skit crews, water kick ball, swimming at Dugan Falls, Clubs, Cabin Times, Surprise activities, and more! Cost has been cut in half this year - down to $125, due by Wednesday, May 27th.
Sunday, July 26th at 4:00pm, we'll have our annual Church Family Potluck Picnic at Pastor's Rob & Becky Neuschwander's farm. Please bring a dish to share!

August 14th-16th is our annual Women's Retreat at the Christian Renewal Center. Cost is $120. Talk to Denise Burck or Becky Neuschwander for details or to sign up!
September 18th-20th is our annual Men's Retreat at the Christian Renewal Center. Cost is $120. Talk to Nathan Burck for details or to sign up!
Sunday, April 12, 2015
Prayer and Worship Night
What an awesome time of Spirit led worship and prayer! Approximately 20 people arrived to the church and spent about an hour and a half just worshiping God and relaxing in his presence.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Amphitheater Concert Fundraising 2015
The Kalama area has an awesome fundraising opportunity open to it this summer. The Clark County Amphitheater hosts concerts every summer and has food and drink "Ovation Stations" all around the theater. We have the opportunity to provide volunteers for each concert to serve customers, cook food, and open and clean the stand. There are ten concerts this summer and in past years each volunteer has made an average of $100/concert.
The non-profit this is running through is called "Kalama Kids" so this fundraising opportunity is available to anyone raising money for something to benefit kids ages 0-18 in the community: that can be school clothes, state sport trips, uniforms for teams, senior class trips, mission trips, youth groups, etc. If you’re not sure if something would qualify, you can always ask! You also must have a valid food handlers card and liquor license.
There will be a mandatory meeting for all volunteers on Thursday, April 30th at 6:30pm at RiverView Community Church, where you will need to bring with you a copy of your liquor license and food handlers card. A food handlers card can be printed immediately after taking their short online class however the liquor licenses take 4-6 weeks to receive so be sure to apply for that ASAP.
As of right now, what any interested volunteers need to do is sign up for what concerts they're interested in working. The concert schedule is below. If you are interested, please email with each concert date you’d like to work, followed by your first name, last name, best contact email, and what you are raising funds for. We need 15 people to work each concert and slots for each concert will be on a first come, first served basis.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Karissa Neal ( She's heading up organizing volunteers this year, is really excited that our area has the opportunity to participate in this fundraiser, and is looking forward to possibly getting to work with you this summer!
for liquor license application: www.washingtonalcoholtraining. com/index.aspx
Link for health card application:www.
The non-profit this is running through is called "Kalama Kids" so this fundraising opportunity is available to anyone raising money for something to benefit kids ages 0-18 in the community: that can be school clothes, state sport trips, uniforms for teams, senior class trips, mission trips, youth groups, etc. If you’re not sure if something would qualify, you can always ask! You also must have a valid food handlers card and liquor license.
There will be a mandatory meeting for all volunteers on Thursday, April 30th at 6:30pm at RiverView Community Church, where you will need to bring with you a copy of your liquor license and food handlers card. A food handlers card can be printed immediately after taking their short online class however the liquor licenses take 4-6 weeks to receive so be sure to apply for that ASAP.
As of right now, what any interested volunteers need to do is sign up for what concerts they're interested in working. The concert schedule is below. If you are interested, please email with each concert date you’d like to work, followed by your first name, last name, best contact email, and what you are raising funds for. We need 15 people to work each concert and slots for each concert will be on a first come, first served basis.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Karissa Neal ( She's heading up organizing volunteers this year, is really excited that our area has the opportunity to participate in this fundraiser, and is looking forward to possibly getting to work with you this summer!
Event Date
Thu, Sep 17, 2015
7:00 PM |
Sat, Sep 05, 2015
7:00 PM |
Fri, Sep 04, 2015
6:45 PM |
Sat, Aug 01, 2015
7:00 PM |
Tue, Jul 28, 2015
7:30 PM |
Fri, Jul 24, 2015
7:00 PM |
Sun, Jul 12, 2015
7:00 PM |
Sat, Jun 27, 2015
7:30 PM |
Fri, Jun 19, 2015
7:30 PM |
Fri, May 22, 2015
7:30 PM |
Link for health card application:www.
Saturday, April 4, 2015
It's Spring Break!
With everyone running a million directions, mid-week ministries are on break for this week. Only exception being Prime Time as they're just too awesome to avoid meeting together for a week. Normal meetings will resume starting April 13th.
Kalama Community Easter Egg Hunt 2015
About 150 children ages 3-13 crowded in, anxiously awaiting the siren signaling the beginning of their quest. Age areas were taped off for Preschool-Kindergarten, 1st-2nd grade, and 3rd-5th. The moment the first note of the megaphone sounded...they were off. The 4 golden prize eggs were hard sought after but overall there were plenty of eggs to fill every child's basket.
After the event, families stuck around for up to an hour so their kids could play in the park and hang out with the Easter Bunny.
Mark your calendar for our 2016 Easter Egg Hunt, we're looking forward to it!
After the event, families stuck around for up to an hour so their kids could play in the park and hang out with the Easter Bunny.
Mark your calendar for our 2016 Easter Egg Hunt, we're looking forward to it!
Saturday, March 28, 2015
Work Day Success
We got so much accomplished at our work day on Saturday. Baseboard molding was put down in the main sanctuary, doors, staircases, and shelves were painted, all of the carpet in the main sanctuary and entry way was glued down, the carpet in the portable was torn up, the portable was leveled, the outside perimeter of the church was weeded and barked, and the whole church was scrubbed, vacuumed, and swept.
Thank you to all of the volunteers who spent their Saturday afternoon helping to spruce up the church!
Thank you to all of the volunteers who spent their Saturday afternoon helping to spruce up the church!
Friday, March 27, 2015
Girl's Night Fun
Teen girl's are having so much fun meeting together two Friday's a month to be crazy and have some girl time. All girl's that are in grades 7th-12th are welcome to join in on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month from 6:00-8:00pm! So far we've had a Wii-Just Dance Night, Spa Night, Mardi Gras Night, Chick Flick Night, and Karaoke Night. We will not meet together on April 10th due to Spring Break, so our next get together-Girl's Bonfire Night will be on April 24th. All girl's are welcome and asked to bring something to cook over the fire and their own roasting stick. We'll be meeting at the Kalama Marine Park on the sand beneath the Volleyball Courts.
Karaoke Girl's Night (3/27) |
Karaoke Girl's Night (3/27) |
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Chick Flick Girl's Night (3/14) |
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Mardi Gras Girl's Night (2/13) |
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Mardi Gras Girl's Night (2/13) |
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Spa Girl's Night (1/23) |
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Spa Girl's Night (1/23) |
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Wii-Just Dance Girl's Night (1/9) |
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